Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have modified our programs and services, please contact us for more details.

Living with HIV can be different for everyone

Living with HIV means different things to different people, and everyone has unique experiences. Along with our services for all clients, Nine Circles provides a wide variety of supports and services specifically to people living with HIV in Manitoba. These include one on one appointments with members of our team and group-based support. To find out what’s on in the coming month, have a look at our monthly calendar of events. Have any questions? Call us at 204-940-6000.

food_bankFood Bank

With the support of Winnipeg Harvest and dedicated volunteers, the Nine Circles Food Bank provides food bank members with a bi-monthly supplement of food. Food bank is only available to people living with HIV in Manitoba. To discuss food bank access, please speak with a member of your care team.

Food Bank Guidelines

Food Bank Calendar


HI5 Fund

The HI5 Fund provides financial support to people living with HIV in Manitoba for quality of life needs where no other source of income is available. Requests are reviewed on a monthly basis.  Request forms are available at our reception desk or see your Social Worker for assistance with filling out an application. View the HI5 Fund Guidelines to learn more about the fund.

Lived Experience Advisory

About the HIV Lived Experience Advisory: Comprising individuals with diverse backgrounds and profound lived experiences related to HIV, this advisory group serves as a potent force in informing and shaping our mission.

Advisory activities include:

  • Guiding the communications and messages around living with HIV from Nine Circles.
  • Brainstorming ideas and contributing key messages for campaigns and events
  • Speaking or taking part in the program at agency events and fundraisers
  • Providing advisory to the agency on processes, events, and engagement activities

The Lived Experience Advisory meets approximately 6 times a year, with casual consultation by electronic communication (email or a private social media group) in between.  This group is for emerging leaders living with HIV who would like to learn more and be involved in organizational leadership activities. There are currently spaces for 10 people in the group.

Note: Disclosing your HIV status beyond the group is not required to be a member of the advisory. People can choose to share their story with a wider audience, but opportunities to share stories anonymously, or contribute behind the scenes are options. You only need to share what you are comfortable sharing.

If you’re interested in finding out more or getting involved, send us an email.

Additional Resources:

Patient Handout: If You Just Found Out

For basics on living well with HIV visit CATIE’s Healthy Living page.

For information about HIV treatment options, visit CATIE’s Treatment page.

Unsure about whether to disclose your status at your workplace or when applying for a job? Visit this Workplace Disclosure Decision Guide for advice.